White Sand Beach in Kannur Thottada | Secluded Beach in Kannur
Responsible Tourism

Chera rocks beach house is committed to preserve the nature and beach side environment. Our beach house follows complete eco-policies so that we save energy and reduce pollution. Our commitment promises pure nature around you at our beach house.
With a commitment to preserve the environment, we have taken several measures to make sure that every thing that we do is eco-friendly, save energy, reduce pollution, and reduce cutting down of trees etc.
For cooking purposes we still use gas and bio gas , along with coconut shells, and twigs and waste wood that is found in the garden, so that usage of gas is minimized. energy saving bulbs are used where possible.And the fruits and vegetables are strictly organic. Waste is used in composting pit to convert into manure, reducing chemical fertiliser etc.
Ayurveda centre for massage is provided where ancient art and science is preserved It also generates income for the ancient practitioners and their helpers. We have trees that are more than hundred years old, varieties of birds have made premises of beach house as their home.The roof of our cottages are made of traditional hand woven which is eco friendly ,cooling, it preserves ancient style, provides income to the locals ,This craft and profession is getting obsolete because of lack of demand, and support from people.
Local people are benefited through the job generation as they are employed, Visitors rent their country boats for sailing along the coast.
We Support
- Local Employment
- Support of local small entrepreneurs
- Purchase of local goods and services
- Environmentally friendly purchasing policy
- Attempts to reduce Green House Gas emissions
- Locally appropriate principles of sustainable construction
- Economic contributions to protection of natural, cultural and built environment
We Use
- Energing saving bulbs
- Bio gas plant
- Solar water heating
- Water saving taps
- RO water purification to avoid plastic botles
- Five star rated energy saving equipment
- Composting